Reading Plus Answers [ Level G ] ― A Complete List [Updated 2025]

If you came looking for Reading Plus answers for Level G in 2025, this is the right place to be.

We work hard to provide you with all the answers related to different study programs or games that otherwise would have been harder to find.

Today, we did our research and came up with a list of answers to Level G found on Reading Plus.

Before we start, it is important that we get an idea of the system and the levels found in it.

Reading Plus, for those who don’t know, is a program that allows people to improve their reading skills.

And because each person differs in their abilities to read and learn at a different pace, the program offers different levels.

These levels allow people from different backgrounds to improve their skills further.

But some of these levels could be challenging which is why people look for answers to the questions found on these levels.

This is why, we believe, you are reading these Reading Plus answers of Level G.

Note that these levels come with different stories.

The challenge here is that there are hundreds of stories on these levels – including Level G – and that number keeps on increasing.

Therefore, it is hard to keep track of the answers to all the stories, especially the new ones.

With that being said, let’s look into the Reading Plus answers of Level G that we could find for you.

Note: As mentioned earlier, there may be more stories than the ones mentioned below.

Reading Plus Answers – Level G [Updated 2025]:

Following are all the answers to some of the stories of Level G found in Reading Plus.

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A Daring Escape:

1. This selection is mainly about? ‘a youth who pays a great price.’

2. What was Dedalus’s motive for trying…? ‘jealousy.’

3. Which sentence supports the conclusion…? ‘he was always thinking up new ways.’

4. What does this excerpt imply about Daedalus? ‘his inventiveness was so great that.’

5. Put the sentences in order…?
a – he covered the wing frame
b – he tested the wings
c – he made another pair
d – he showed Icarus how to use them

6. Choose the sentence in this except that foreshadows an event… ‘down by the seashore.’

7. Which sentence id true about Icarus and flying? ‘he had felt as if he were.’

8. Compared to the fight of Icarus… ‘slower and clumsier.’

9. What was Icarus’s “deadly mistake”? ‘he allowed the thrill of flight.’

10. In this excerpt the author leaves the reader… ‘was a few seconds of perfect.’

A Flight for Survival:

Q. What is the main idea… A. High-risk tasks can be…

Q. In this excerpt, the tone… A. composed and did not panic…

Q. What was the problem on… A. an oxygen tank…

Q. Which two of the following…the fuel cells… A. Liquid oxygen…

Q. Put the following steps in order…
a. Analyze
b. Determine
c. Figure
d. Perform

Q. According to the selection…find a new source… A. regain control…

Q. In this excerpt… A. Group of…

Q. Based on this excerpt… A. Lunar landing module

Q. What part did the object… A. Provided the gravitational push…

Q. What would probably have happened… A. failed to make it home alive

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Passage To The Underworld:

Q. What is the main idea… A. While archaeologists have learned…

Q. King Tut’s tomb… A. It had been forgotton…

Q. According to the selection… A. It was the 62nd recorded tomb…

Q. Something is ironic… A. Although Tut…

Q. Compared to the other… A. Relatively small.

Q. The selection states that… A. The Opening of the Mouth…

Q. In the tomb of… A. an entrance to…

Q. Based on this excerpt… A. The journey to…

Q. Queen Tausret’s reign… A. She became queen after…

Q. According to the selection… A. To avoid digging…

Fortune and Misfortune:

Q. What is the main idea… A. The cost and…

Q. What led to the… A. A young boy…

Q. Based on this…
a – They were precious.
b – They were rare.

Q. According to this… A. Diamond rings became…

Q. In this excerpt… A. Incomes.

Q. Based on these…
a – The working conditions…
b – The money earned…

Q. What is the biggest… A. They have become…

Q. How did Schalk… A. Regretful.

Q. In this excerpt, what is the… A. To inform the reader…

Q. Which of the following… A. They have been…

These are all the Reading Plus answers of Level G we have in our database.

We add more stories to the Level G of Reading Plus here from time to time.

However, if you do not find any of the stories of Level G other than the ones covered here, we suggest that you make use of these two sources:

  • Reddit
  • YouTube
YOU MAY ALSO LIKE:   Reading Plus Answers [ Level L ] ― A Complete List [Updated 2025]

These two platforms are where a lot of users share and discuss different Reading Plus answers of many levels, including Level G.

All you have to do is to search for the story in Level G that you want answers to.

And if you don’t find any, you can ask other fellow users these questions and they may share their answers with you.